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Crie de detresse d'un jeune ecrivain Africain
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Créée par Sylvestre Achille Yene

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A propos de cette cagnotte

We ask for your financial assistance whatever the Amount, not only to publish our book which deals with the migratory flow but also to make it accessible to all Africans in order to participate in stopping illegal immigration, and lord of young Africans in Ceuta, Melilla, Libya, drowning them by milies,
(The said book has already been favorably accepted by the reading committee of the Mary Bro Foundation publishing editions in London, as well as the contract has already been signed. But because of the freezing situation and the stubble that is plaguing us in Africa, we find ourselves unable to pay the publishing invoice sent to us by the publishing house.
In view of the multiple deaths of young Africans on the roads to the West, and to have been a victim ourselves, we have written a book to participate in stopping this humanitarian scandal which constitutes thousands of deaths of young Africans.
We ask anyone ready or far to assist us in this first step in the fight against the destruction of African youth.
For verification, you can reach Mr. Leandre director of editions Mary Bro Foundation Publishing in London and ask for "paradox of Western Migration policies"
We rely entirely on your assistance.

We are very grateful to you and will continue to be.
Thank you.

Ici, vous pouvez apporter votre contribution à la cagnotte en cliquant sur "Je Participe" :
• Les participations sont libres
• Le site est entièrement sécurisé.

Merci à tous.

We ask for your financial assistance whatever the Amount, not only to publish our book which deals with the migratory flow but also to make it accessible to all Africans in order to participate in stopping illegal immigration, and lord of young Africans in Ceuta, Melilla, Libya, drowning them by milies,
(The said book has already been favorably accepted by the reading committee of the Mary Bro Foundation publishing editions in London, as well as the contract has already been signed. But because of the freezing situation and the stubble that is plaguing us in Africa, we find ourselves unable to pay the publishing invoice sent to us by the publishing house.
In view of the multiple deaths of young Africans on the roads to the West, and to have been a victim ourselves, we have written a book to participate in stopping this humanitarian scandal which constitutes thousands of deaths of young Africans.
We ask anyone ready or far to assist us in this first step in the fight against the destruction of African youth.
For verification, you can reach Mr. Leandre director of editions Mary Bro Foundation Publishing in London and ask for "paradox of Western Migration policies"
We rely entirely on your assistance.

We are very grateful to you and will continue to be.
Thank you.

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Créée le 18-07-21

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